I am a sculptor by training and predilection. I make sculpture, I draw like a sculptor (3D images, not flat composition), make prints like a sculptor (process process process) and paint like a sculptor (it's all about material). I do a lot of architecture and furniture, which is just useful sculpture. Still, my work is not just sculpture - lots of painting, etching, drawing. At first blush it might seem like a lack of focus. Not so. All my work has the same hand, same taste, same treatment; only the formats vary.

I don't talk much about my work: my work speaks for me.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Week in Paint

I am painting a lot this summer.   I am making sculpture, too, and some paintings are moving into low relief mixed-media wall sculpture, as one might expect.  But these are a few canvases from the past week or two.  Quite a few more are under construction.

Most of these paintings are, obviously, seascapes.  Until recently I lived for twenty years beside the Sea of Japan, and these days I miss it.  It had a profound influence and effect upon me, particularly as an artist, mostly in terms of colors and textures.   But for now it serves as a convenient format for my interest in paint as a material, for I am exploring what one can do with paint.  I am doing a lot of glazing (water), heavy impasto  (land)  and pouring (sky), and the format allows simple strong compositions that do not get in the way of the paint.  So, I might be all full of nostalgia for coastal rural Japan, but it is just an excuse to slap paint on hot summer days.